45 research outputs found

    Extremal solutions of an inequality concerning supports of permutation groups and punctured Hadamard codes

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    If S is the degree of a permutation group and s is the maximum degree of its elements, then S ≤ 2s − 2. We show that this inequality is sharp for some permutation group if and only if s is a power of 2, and then there is exactly one such permutation group up to isomorphism. The unique example is an elementary Abelian 2-group that arises from a punctured Hadamard code. Then we discuss the solutions of S = 2s − 3 and S = 2s −

    Binary linear codes with near-extremal maximum distance

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    Let C denote a binary linear code with length n all of whose coordinates are essential, i.e., for each coordinate there is a codeword that is not zero in that position. Then the maximum distance D is strictly bigger than n/2, and the extremum D=(n+1)/2 is attained exactly by punctured Hadamard codes. In this paper, we classify binary linear codes with D=n/2+1. All of these codes can be produced from punctured Hadamard codes in one of essentially three different ways, each having a transparent description

    Finding cliques and dense subgraphs using edge queries

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    We consider the problem of finding a large clique in an Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graph where we are allowed unbounded computational time but can only query a limited number of edges. Recall that the largest clique in GG(n,1/2)G \sim G(n,1/2) has size roughly 2log2n2\log_{2} n. Let α(δ,)\alpha_{\star}(\delta,\ell) be the supremum over α\alpha such that there exists an algorithm that makes nδn^{\delta} queries in total to the adjacency matrix of GG, in a constant \ell number of rounds, and outputs a clique of size αlog2n\alpha \log_{2} n with high probability. We give improved upper bounds on α(δ,)\alpha_{\star}(\delta,\ell) for every δ[1,2)\delta \in [1,2) and 3\ell \geq 3. We also study analogous questions for finding subgraphs with density at least η\eta for a given η\eta, and prove corresponding impossibility results.Comment: 19 pp, 5 figures, Focused Workshop on Networks and Their Limits held at the Erd\H{o}s Center, Budapest, Hungary in July 202

    Innováció – a fenntartható növekedés kulcsa Magyarországon

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    A magyar gazdaság fejlődési pályája napjainkra egy inflexiós ponthoz közelít. Eddig a növekedés nagymértékben olyan exportorientált nemzetközi vállalatok teljesítményére épült, amelyek elsősorban a rendelkezésre álló magas ár–érték arányt kínáló munkaerőre alapoznak. Mára Magyarország munkanélküliségi rátája az egyik legalacsonyabb szintre süllyedt Európában, miközben a foglalkoztatási ráta, amely a második legalacsonyabb volt az Európai Unióban, elérte az EU-átlagot. Emiatt kimerülni látszik az a korábban sok szempontból sikeres modell, amely a gazdasági növekedést a foglalkoztatás bővítésére építette. A gazdaság fejlődésére a demográfia mellett nagy hatást gyakorol az a jelenleg is zajló technológiai forradalom is, amelynek fő hajtóereje a szoftverek és a mély iparági szaktudás ötvözése révén megvalósuló innováció. A hagyományos iparágak és üzleti modellek várhatóan jelentősen átalakulnak, és az értékteremtés kulcsa egyre nagyobb mértékben az innováció lesz.* Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) kód: E60, O15, O30, O31, O38

    Discordant voting protocols for cyclically linked agents

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    Voting protocols, such as the push and the pull protocol, are designed to model the behavior of people during an election, but they have other applications. These processes have been studied in many areas, including but not limited to social models of interaction, distributed computing in peer-to-peer networks, and to describe how viruses or rumors spread in a community. In this paper we study the runtime of discordant linear protocols on the cycle graph, and the probability for each consensus to win in the end